Engaging with young people can bring direct benefits to your business and help support our local communities and the islands'economy. There are also many ways to get involved and offer support to young people.
By engaging with Developing the Young Workforce Outer Hebrides, we can help you:
access a pipeline of skilled potential future employees ready for work (the 'shop window' effect)
make recruitment and succession planning easier, less time consuming and more cost-effective
enhance your professional development and that of your colleagues
influence the local economic relevance the school curriculum
develop a 'fully certificated workforce', with support for existing young employees
boost employee engagement, increase motivation and improve staff retention.
provide access to high-quality candidates for work placements
learn of and gain access to business and training grants and services
improve schools’ and colleges’ knowledge of current jobs and career opportunities in your business or sector
source pre-employment training tailored to your needs
make it simple to connect with schools, colleges and other education providers
enhance your reputation and profile in the community and with customers
Whether you can devote an hour, one day, a week or more, there are lots of ways businesses and employees can get involved:
inspire the next generation to enter your industry by passing on tips and experience from your career in a presentation to young people
host workplace visits to show the range of roles or careers your company or organisation can offer
provide work shadowing or short work experience opportunities
employ a young person directly into a role, as a trainee or modern apprentice
mentor a young person at school, college or even after they’ve started their first job
take part in a practical session to help with applications and mock interviews
work with us to develop case studies or videos to showcase your industry and work with young people
Find out how you can get involved by emailing us at info@dywouterhebrides.com